Euronix Fabricantes de productos deportivos e instalaciones deportivas
INICIO || Quality Policy


Quality Policy

The Management of EURONIX METAL, S.L., whose main activity is the design, manufacture and assembly of equipment for sports facilities, as a fundamental part of its General Policy, defines, assumes and communicates the content of its Quality Policy, in order to transmit to all interested parties its position in relation to the quality of its work.

This policy, which is public in the organisation and is available to any interested party, is based on a line of action based on the continuous improvement of quality, on the correct assignment of responsibilities and on the achievement of the following strategic objectives:

Always meet the client’s needs and expectations in every job
Ensuring compliance with proposed objectives and targets
Continuously monitor the satisfaction of our customers
To meet the delivery deadlines demanded by our customers
Ensure adequate training of all company staff
To achieve the integration of all the company’s management in the established Management System
Integrate ethical and social responsibility principles into our management with all stakeholders (internal and external)
Promote and implement management based on principles of gender equality and non-discrimination

To ensure compliance with the aforementioned objectives and our continuous improvement, the Management of EURONIX METAL, S.L. has established a system that includes internal quality audits, the holding of quality meetings and the monitoring of the quality indices of our products and the satisfaction of our customers and other interested parties, thereby ensuring compliance with the objectives and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

The organisation of EURONIX METAL, S.L. is structured to ensure the achievement of the objectives described in the Quality Policy, the appropriate allocation of responsibilities and compliance with the requirements of this Manual.